3.5 [BuildOptions] Sections

These sections are optional for EDK II INF files.


Defines the [BuildOptions] section content. These sections are used to define the custom definitions for individual tools. There are two styles for options, a replacement of any previous definition (for this module only) of the flags or commands used (specified by the double "==" equal sign) to process the module code, or an append option, (specified by the single "=" equal sign) which will be appended to the previous definition. When the single "=" equal sign is used, the string to the left, is appended, typically used to override a single flag. When the double "==" sign is used, then any previous definition (reference build requires that it must be defined tools_def.txt file) will be cleared, and the left value replaces the entire previous definition.

The double "==" equal sign must be used to replace a command (specified by the PATH attribute,) appending is not an option.

For the DPATH attribute, can use either the replace or append, and is used to expand the system environment PATH variable prior to processing any commands.

Other, user defined attributes, can be specified, in this section, using either the append or replace. Usage of these overrides is implementation specific.

Macro use is permitted in the [BuildOptions] sections, and must follow the rule that Macros used in this section must be defined locally within the INF file; use of externally defined MACROs is prohibited. Additionally, a $(MACRO) that appears inside of a quoted string in R-Values (following an append "=" or replace "==") is permitted, as parsing tools are not required to expand those macro values. Macros within quoted strings do not need to be defined locally.

Macro statements, $(MACRO), that are encapsulated in double quotation marks are not expanded, nor are they processed by parsing tools, as double quotation marks indicate a string that must be treated as a single entity. Macro statements in comments must also be ignored by parsing tools.

Macros are not allowed on the left side of the assignment statement (left of the equal sign).

The EDK II build system will provide an option to create an "As Built" INF file that can be used for binary distributions. This section will be completed, listing all of the option flags for every application that was used to create the binary. Since these "As Built" flags are within comment sections, the actual flag string can be extended to a new comment line without using the line extension character.

Tools that create "As Built" information must expand any macro values used by the tools during the module build. The standard Macro Definitions are not permitted within this section for an "As Built" INF file.

Build options listed in architectural sections will be appended to build options listed in the common architectural section.

Comments in this section must appear on a separate line, they may not be appended after statements.

The "common" architecture modifier in a section tag must not be combined with other architecture type; doing so will result in a build break.


<BuildOptions>  ::= "[BuildOptions" [<com_attrs>] "]" <EOL> <BuildStmts>
<com_attrs>     ::= {".common"} {<attrs>}
<attrs>         ::= <Archs> ["," <TS> "BuildOptions" <attrs>]*
<Archs>         ::= "." <arch>
<BuildStmts>    ::= {<BuildOptStmts>*} {<AsBuiltStmts>}
<AsBuiltStmts>  ::= <TS> "##" <TS> "@AsBuilt" <EOL> <AsBuiltFfe>*
<AsBuiltFfe>    ::= <TS> "##" <FamId> <ToolFlags> <Eq> <CFlags> <EOL> [<TS> "#"
                    <CFlagsContd> <EOL>]*
<CFlagsContd>   ::= <CFlags>
<BuildOptStmts> ::= {<FlagExpr>} {<PathExpr>} {<CmdExpr>} {<Other>}
<FamId>         ::= <Family> ":"
<FlagExpr>      ::= <TS> [<FamId>] <ToolFlags> <Equal> <CFlags> <EOL>
<PathExpr>      ::= <TS> [<FamId>] <ToolPath> <Equal> <PATH> <EOL>
<CmdExpr>       ::= <TS> [<FamId>] <ToolCmd> <ReplaceEq> <PathCmd> <EOL>
<Other>         ::= {<OtherTool>} {<MacroDefinition>}
<OtherTool>     ::= <TS> [<FamId>] <ToolOther> <Equal> <String> <EOL>
<Family>        ::= {"MSFT"} {"GCC"} {"INTEL"} {<Usr>} {<Wildcard>}
<Usr>           ::= <ToolWord>
<Equal>         ::= {<AppendEq>} {<ReplaceEq>}
<AppendEq>      ::= <Eq>
<ReplaceEq>     ::= <TS> "==" <TS>
<ToolSpec>      ::= <Target> "_" <TagName> "_" <tarch> "_" <CmdCode>
<ToolFlags>     ::= <ToolSpec> "_FLAGS"
<ToolPath>      ::= <ToolSpec> "_DPATH"
<ToolCmd>       ::= <ToolSpec> "_PATH"
<ToolOther>     ::= <ToolSpec> "_" <Attribute>
<Target>        ::= {<Wildcard>} {Target}
<TagName>       ::= {<Wildcard>} {TagName}
<CmdCode>       ::= CommandCode
<CommandName>   ::= CommandExecutable
<Attribute>     ::= Attribute
<tarch>         ::= {"IA32"} {"X64"} {"EBC"} {<OA>}
<CFlags>        ::= (0x20 - 0x7e)+
<PathCmd>       ::= <TOOLPATH> <FileSep> <CommandName>
<TOOLPATH>      ::= {<PATH>} {<ABS_PATH> <PATH>}
<ABS_PATH>      ::= {(a-zA-Z) ":\"} {"\"} {"/"}


All of the keywords that make up the left side of the expression must be alphanumeric only - no special characters are permitted. For more information about the following parameters, refer to the Build Specification for as description of the tools_def.txt file. In order for the entries in the INF file to be valid, there must be a matching definition in the tools_def.txt file. The tool chain tag name must also match the one used for the build.


Must match a FAMILY name defined in the EDK II tools_def.txt file. If not present, then the entry is valid for all tool chain families.


Paths listed in the [BuildOptions] section are relative to the system environment variable, EDK_TOOLS_PATH, or they may be absolute. Use of "..", "." and "../" in the directory path is not permitted. If the absolute format is used, the module cannot be distributed using a UEFI Distribution Package.


A keyword that uniquely identifies the build target; the first field, where fields are separated by the underscore character. Three values, "NOOPT", "DEBUG" and "RELEASE" have been pre-defined. This keyword is used to bind command flags to individual commands.

Users may want to add other definitions, such as, PERF, SIZE or SPEED, and define their own set of FLAGS to use with these tags. The wildcard character, "``*", is permitted after it has been defined one time for a tool chain.


A keyword that uniquely identifies a tool chain group; the second field. Wildcard characters are permitted if and only if a command is common to all tools that will be used by a developer. As an example, if the development team only uses IA32 Windows workstations, the ACPI compiler can be specified as: DEBUG_*_*_ASL_PATH and RELEASE_*_*_ASL_PATH.


A keyword that uniquely identifies the tool chain target architecture; the third field. This flag is used to support the cross-compiler features, such as when a development platform is IA32 and the target platform is X64 Using this field, a single TagName can be setup to support building multiple target platform architectures with different tool chains. As an example, if a developer is using Visual Studio .NET 2003 for generating IA32 platform and uses the WINDDK version 3790.1830 for X64 platform images, a single tag (see the MYTOOLS PATH settings in the generated Conf/tools_def.txt or provided BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template file.) The wildcard character, "``*", is permitted if and only if the same tool is used for all target architectures.


The full executable name, such as cl.exe or gcc, with the preceding path specifying the exact location of the command. If the executable can be located under a directory specified in the system environment PATH variable, only the filename is required. Otherwise, a relative path to a path listed in the system environment PATH variable or an absolute path must be given. If an absolute path is used, the build system will fail the build if the executable cannot be found.


A keyword that uniquely identifies a specific command; the fourth field. Several CommandCode keywords have been predefined. See table below for the pre-defined keywords and functional mappings. The wildcard character, "", is permitted only for the FAMILY, DLL and DPATH attributes (see *Attributes below.)

Table 5 Predefined Command Codes
CommandCode Function
APP C compiler for applications.
ASL ACPI Compiler for generating ACPI tables.
ASLCC ACPI Table C compiler
ASLDLINK ACPI Table C Dynamic linker
ASLPP ASL C pre-processor
ASM A Macro Assembler for assembly code in some libraries.
ASMLINK The Linker to use for assembly code generated by the ASM tool.
CC C compiler for PE32/PE32+/Coff images.
DLINK The C dynamic linker.
MAKE Required for tool chains. This identifies the utility used to process the Makefiles generated by the first phase of the build.
PCH The compiler for generating pre-compiled headers.
PP The C pre-processor command.
SLINK The C static linker.
TIANO This special keyword identifies a compression tool used to generate compression sections as well as the library needed to uncompress an image in the firmware volume.
VFR The VFR file compiler which creates IFR code.
VFRPP The C pre-processor used to process VFR files.


A keyword to uniquely identify a property of the command; the fifth and last field. Several pre-defined attributes have been defined: DLL, FAMILY, FLAGS, GUID, OUTPUT and PATH. Use quotation marks if and only if the quotation marks must be included in the flag string. The following example shows the format for the required quoted string, "C:\Program Files\Intel\EBC\Lib\EbcLib.lib". Normally, the quotation characters are not required as everything following the equal sign to the end of the line is used for the flag.


Must be a valid string for the tool specified. The string will be appended to the end of the tool's flags (from the tools_def.txt.) Both Microsoft and GCC evaluate options from left to right on the command line. This allows disabling some flags that may have been specified in the tools_def.txt by providing an alternate flag, i.e., if the tools_def: CC FLAGS defines /O2 and an /O1 options is specified for this module, the module will compile with /O1 (size) not with /O2 (speed.)

Space characters are allowed. Macros are also permitted to be used in Flag strings.


  DEFINE MACRO                  = /nologo
  *_WINDDK3790x1830_*_CC_FLAGS  = /Qwd1418,810
  *_MYTOOLS_*_CC_FLAGS          = /Qwd1418,810
  *_VS2003_*_CC_FLAGS           = /wd4244
  *_WINDDK3790x1830_*_CC_FLAGS  = /wd4244
  *_MYTOOLS_*_CC_FLAGS          = /wd4244